Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Is that the Right solution really!

Let us understand today how do we identify the right solution for a given problem. We have the idea conversion rate of 2 ideas per 100 which is so poor.
We will use the TRIZ methodology to demonstrate the approach.Let us look at the case in indian scenario and try to understand why three wheelers are so popular as a technical solution addressing transport needs.
So what decides if the solution proposed is really the winning solution as is the case with three wheelers in india.
Here I propose a  simple and generic 7 step framework.

Step 1. Create the function
Step 2. Conceptualize the business model around function for target segment
Step 3. Develop the right measure
Step 4. Formulize ideality (#)parameters corresponding to the measure
Step 5. Develop the array of solutions on continuous scale
Step 6. Map the solutions to the right measures
Step 7. Select the elegant solution.

#Ideality = {Useful Function / (Harmful Function + Cost)}

Example:  Three wheeler (Auto-Rickshaw) in India

Function: Transport people within city
Target customer : Auto rickshaw owner
Right measure: Return on investment
Ideality parameters: Initial cost, seating capacity, fuel economy, maintenance cost
The array of Solutions : 4 wheelers ,two wheelers, bicycles, buses, walking
3Wheeler can be viewed as a solution on the continuous scale between two wheeler and four wheeler. It can be appreciated that the weighted ideality for three wheeler comes out to be highest on the S curve.

The same approach should tell us why three wheeler are not popular in USA.

Business Model for three wheeler for USA may not be viable as customer prefers luxury and convenience over the cost. Thereby the right measure in the USA context will be safety and luxury. In this case the  ideality parameters are vibrations, noise speed, telematics etc.
Thereby conventional car as a taxi becomes most appropriate solution in the context of US

Lets see if we  can use the same approach to say if Tata nano can be used as taxi instead of auto rickshaw in India?

The customer and measure here remains the same as return on investment.
Let's check the parameters of weighted ideality.
The initial cost is going up, the fuel economy is going down, and maintenance is going up as it is still a car engine with multiple parts than auto rickshaw engine.
So not so surprisingly, auto rickshaw retains their maximum ideality status even today and are continue to be an attractive and right solution for the working  business model.